Susan Avery
Sales Representative
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A great time to renovate

Updated Friday, October 5, 2012  ::  Views (1920)

There has never been a better time to renovate than now.  Interest rates are very low and forecast to stay that way for some time. The first time buyer market is currently undergoing a change.  The lending rules have tightened once again to stabilize the market, and as a result many of those who would have been approved 6 months ago are now having to wait to purchase until they can accumulate a more sizable payment. Where  there is challenge, there is opportunity.  That is where your Realtor comes in.  The Realtor has seen the before and after of listings purchased as tired homes and then upgraded top to bottom.  He/She also knows the before and after value and where renovation dollars were spent wisely and where in some cases not so wisely. 

Perhaps you were thinking of selling now, and planning to clean up but not update....there may be a buyer out there willing to take on that update now who, wasn't there before , just to get into the right home or neighbourhood  right now/


You could look at some financing options to get those updates done, so when those buyers looking for the latest and greatest have their funding in place, you are there to capitalize on your investment.  Time and interest rates are working in your favour right now.

So, if you have been thinking of renovating or listing call your REALTOR to sort through your options and move forward in a way that works best for you.  A REALTOR who is there to serve you now and in the future, will always have your best interests at heart, after all the client is the heart of their business.

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